Interview with Andrew Kelsall

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7 de maio de 2014
Vestibulum commodo volutpat laoreet
8 de maio de 2014
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Wella Professionals, a strong name in the professional beauty market and portfolio of multinational Procter & Gamble, is keeping Brasil under close watch. Proof of that is the reallocation of first rate executive, British Andrew Kensall, to the post of director of the brand in Brazilian land. Exercising the position since last October, amongst comings and goings (including with his family), he estimates being active for about three or four months. Confident with the future and happy with the legacy he calls “an efficient and focused team”; Andrew decided to give his first interview to the Brazilian press for CABELOS & CIA. Completely comfortable in his new position – and already familiarized with the peculiarities and nuances of the national market –, he answered all the questions without hesitation. Read the result of the two hour talk bellow.
When P&G announced: Brasil! What was your first reaction?
When they told me I was going to be d

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